Updated Info for May 2020 Zoom Mtg.

With the COVID-19 Pandemic Stay-in-Place order by the State of IL, the Indian Prairie Public Library (IPPL) continues to be closed.  However, we are going to have our regularly scheduled (Thursday, May 28th meeting) Genealogy Group meeting by Sandra Trapp on the subject of “Researching at Newberry Library” by using Zoom.   

YOU NEED to register with IPPL asap (but before May 27th) with your  E-mail address.  You can register online or by telephone.  (ippl.info/library-blogs/news—find the “register here” tab under the “Genealogy Zoom Chat Series” or call IPPL at 630-887-8760)

You should receive an E-mail  24 hours before the meeting with a link and password to access the LIVE! Zoom Meeting.

Just before 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 28th, you need to sign onto Zoom.US (via cell phone app or on your computer).   After entering the link/password provided in the registration E-mail, you need to Wait to be admitted to the meeting when it begins.

There is a “Genealogy Zoom Chat Series:  An Illinois Multi-Library Event” available also.  To access this, you need to register with the Algonquin Public Library under the “Hobbies” tab or at https://www.eventbrite.com/).  The next (Second) class is on May 6th at 6:00 pm–Ancestry Library Edition.  Third Class will be on May 13th at 6:00 pm–Finding Military Records.  Fourth Class will be on May 20th at 6:00 pm–About DNA.  You need to register for each week’s class.

Please continue to follow the COVID-19 Pandemic Guidelines for social distancing, washing hands, wearing facemasks in public, etc.  Stay at home–This is how each one of us can help during this Pandemic.  Please keep every person safe and healthy!  Thank You!

May 2020 Mtg. via ZOOM

With the COVID-19 Pandemic Stay-in-Place order by the State of IL, the Indian Prairie Public Library (IPPL) continues to be closed.  However, we are going to have our regularly scheduled (Thursday, May 28th meeting) Genealogy Group meeting by Sandra Trapp on the subject of “Researching at Newberry Library” by using Zoom.   

YOU NEED to register with IPPL asap (but before May 27th) with your  E-mail address.  You can register online or by telephone.  (ippl.info/library-blogs/news—find the “register here” tab under the “Genealogy Zoom Chat Series” or call IPPL at 630-887-8760)

You should receive an E-mail  24 hours before the meeting with a link and password to access the LIVE! Zoom Meeting.

Just before 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 28th, you need to sign onto Zoom.US (via cell phone app or on your computer).   After entering the link/password provided in the registration E-mail, you need to Wait to be admitted to the meeting when it begins.

There is a “Genealogy Zoom Chat Series:  An Illinois Multi-Library Event” available also.  To access this, you need to register with the Algonquin Public Library under the “Hobbies” tab or at https://www.eventbrite.com/).  The next (Second) class is on May 6th at 6:00 pm–Ancestry Library Edition.  Third Class will be on May 13th at 6:00 pm–Finding Military Records.  Fourth Class will be on May 20th at 6:00 pm–About DNA.  You need to register for each week’s class.

Please continue to follow the COVID-19 Pandemic Guidelines for social distancing, washing hands, wearing facemasks in public, etc.  Stay at home–This is how each one of us can help during this Pandemic.  Please keep every person safe and healthy!  Thank You!




October Meeting Reminder

Next monthly meeting will be held Thursday, Oct. 22, in the upstairs room of the Indian Prairie Public Library at 1 p.m.

Topic:  Researching at Newberry Library

The Newberry Library holds a vast amount of information that can be utilized by family historians to research their family. The program will include information about the library’s rules and procedures, their various catalogs, how to order materials as well as information about their many collection guides, tours, and digital resources.

Presenter:  Sandra Trapp

Moderator:  Susan McAloon

Sandra Trapp’s handout for this mtg. can be viewed by clicking here.